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 Upcoming Events 

Meet us at Canada Booth during
International Nanotechnology Exhibition and Conference

January 29-31, Tokyo, Japan

Visit us at our booth  during 237 ECS meeting
We are a proud sponsor of FCSE -2020 Symposium
June 15-18, 2020 Montreal

R&D News

Januarry 2020: We are pleased to congratulate Professor Mantovani at Biamaterials and Bioengineering Laboratory of Laval University Hospital Center, who has received funding from NSERC and PRIMA Quebec for their collaborative project with PLASMIONIQUE.  The project focuses on application of Pulsed Plasma Ion Implantation technology, developped by PLASMIONIQUE, to Biomaterials Surface Engineering. The project duration is for four (4) years and PLASMIONIQUE will contribute over $400,000.00 in cash and in-kind to support the project.


November 2019: Plasmionique and Prof. Vetrone at INRS-EMT will collaborate on plasma activation of Biomaterial surfaces for grafting of specific molecules of interest. The project was supported by NSERC Engage Grant.


October 2019: PLASMIONIQUE will support a new collaborative project with Prof. Ruediger on printed Electronics. PRIMA-Quebec and NSERC also support the project.


September 2019: PLASMIONIQUE was a member of  Canadian International Innovation Program team and NanoCanada mission to Sao Paulo and Analitica Latin America / Nanotrade Show.  Dr. Sarkissian also visited R-Crio company in Campinas and discussed potential collaboration with Dr. Jose-Ricardo the comany CEO and Dr. Navarro, the scientific Director of the company.


July 2019: Plasmionique sparticipated with two scientific contributions at International Symposium on Surfaces and Interfaces for Biomaterials, held in Quebec City.  Dr. Sarkissian gave an invited talk on Application of Various Plasma Technologies to Surface Engineering of Biomaterials.


April 2019: Plasmionique and Prof. Légaré collaborate on study on Laser Assisted PVD scheme at ALLS.


January  2019: PLASMIONIQUE suppurts the Strategic Project of Prof. Syamaladevi of University of Alberta on technologies for mycotoxin detection and degradation.


October 2018: NSERC-Engage grant was awarded to Prof. Patrizio Antici for execution of project proposed by PLASMIONIQUE for applications to multicharge ion sources and THz radiation generation.


October 2018:  PRIMA Quebec awarded Prof. Diego Mantovani of Laval University for a project co-sponsored by PLASMIONIQUE Inc, and 4πCOAT Technologies Inc.


September 2018: PLASMIONIQUE Extended its support of Collaborative Research and Development project of Prof. Rosei,  co-sponsored by MPB technologies and NSERC-CRD grant.


June 2018: PLASMIONIQUE and INRS-EMT jointly received a US-Patent for methods and Processes for fabrication of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction (FTJ) CMOS structure.


June 2018: The first annual meeting of Green-SEAM Network took place, with the participation of all network members.


June 2018:  Plasminique completed Installation of the ATMOS series Roll-to-Roll system in Physics department of the University of Montreal.


May 2018: Plasmionique received confirmation of the award of its Joint USA Patent with INRS-EMT, on fabrication of CMOS compatible FTJ structures for memory application



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